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Writer's picture: Kamiya SingletaryKamiya Singletary

Updated: Dec 14, 2021

[image credit : Gettyimages]

"I know it will be a big debate but your view on the latest use of force by police on children."

Twenty Five...

Today’s blog post lucky number. This is the year a human's brain is finally complete, the rational/frontal part of your brain is now fully developed and mature. We all have witnessed a baby or toddler "Acting out" and it's because they revolve mainly around emotions. If you do not know emotions or why they cause you to feel a certain way, you then “Act Out” or in other words a tantrum. This is why they say raising a child in these certain age brackets is so important, those years make them who they are. These lessons stick with them until they are no longer controlled by emotions and can make rational decisions with the memories they have of these teaching moments. So with this bit of info now installed into your frontal lobe, care to explain to me why children under 18 are being attacked as if they are 25?

-This blog post will be a lot to take in and a lot of facts stated so get rather suited and get prepared for what I have to say.

I pray any child that lost their life to an wrongful police officer is resting in heaven. You did not deserve to leave at such a young age or be an example of an issue this large.

To use violent force against a child and then go home to your own without any remorse is just unethical. Covid has escalated a lot of anxiety and anger within everyone but law enforcement always had this face towards the world. I believe Covid has rather caused a lot of people to stop being so distracted and pay attention to what's going on. I just find it funny how a mass murderer can get better treatment than a teenager that's just possibly spiraling based on emotion. Before I suddenly have a tantrum myself on why I'm so frustrated with the damn law enforcement in America let me provide some reasons why. Adam Toledo, 13, in Chicago and Ma'Khia Bryant, 16, in Columbus, Ohio. Now did both children have some sort of weapon at the time of the occasion? YES. Although when a 9-year-old girl in Rochester, New York was peppered sprayed she was completely defenseless.

Adam Toledo was only 13 years old when a Chicago police officer decided to end his life on impulse. I apologize, let me rephrase this not on impulse but because the officers' life was "in danger". Now Adam was involved in shooting an unregistered gun with a 21-year old acquaintance at a rather early-late hour. Adam was not the one shooting at the time of the complaint but for some reason, he ended up with the gun. BUT if an officer states hands up and the person does so with no weapon in either hand does it give him the right to shoot? Adam had a weapon and tried to get rid of it knowing the consequences of him being caught with it. Any 13 year old knows this. He threw it behind the fence aside him before raising his hands and was still shot dead. If the officer saw too small pale hands in the air why in the hell was excessive force still used.

Ma'Khia Bryant, my lovely brown little sister I have heard so many different stories regarding your death. I just know no matter what happened before a bullet should not have been the end of it. The last plausible source regarding this situation was from her foster mom. Some former foster kids of the same mom came by that did not get along well with Ma'Khia. Things escalated into a very heated argument and Ma'Khia then got a knife to defend herself and her little sister. As soon as the police were alerted and arrived at the scene several shots were fired at Ma'Khia. Now I have seen the video several times, yes she was getting ready to charge at someone with a weapon. BUT at what point were any strategies used to calm her down and decrease the level of violence. The officers arriving didn't even try to figure out what was going on, he automatically stepped out of the car and shot his gun more than once. The most frustrating thing is Ma'Khia called the police herself due to being put in such a threatening situation! This is what I'm trying to make you all realize, law enforcement chooses when and who to be aggressive with. Act first, Think Later, and at most times are not being held responsible for such actions. I don't even have much to say regarding a 9-year-old being peppered sprayed, the title itself says why this post is being created.


The real problem is police are stuck in a strict mentality of "kill or be killed." Any person in law enforcement who has fight or flight instincts instead of demining the situation should not be in this specific field. Sorry not sorry but we all are provided a job description before applying. Becoming a police officer is to make the community feel protected not frightened of those who were created to protect them. YET it is lawful for an officer to use DEADLY OR EXCESSIVE FORCE necessary when needed to diffuse a situation or to protect others or themselves from danger or harm. Just listen to the adjectives specifically chosen for such a law. The moment it was written it was never in their true intention to shelter the people but to put a shield over them. If i am not mistaken most times i have seen this force being used without any effort of diffusing the situation.

- Quick moment of silence because let us widen our eyes a bit more and notice that each child in this situation was colored. ..That is all I will have to say in that argument before I open the can to a much larger debate.

Local police should be taking courses to learn and understand children to avoid these types of situations. The entire system in this country needs a reevaluation and true diversity plugged into it so our voices can be heard. Anyone who will not experience the same life obstacles as me cannot vouch for the laws created for me. No one's life should be taken to open the eyes to a debate this world has been having for years, especially not a Childs! So if you haven't been able to figure out how I feel by now and we're almost at the end of this blog. I would say I'm pretty pissed. Disappointed.Ashamed.Baffled and lastly OVER IT. We've been on this earth too damn long to have things like this still not corrected. I'm the eldest of two younger siblings and every time they're out even if it is just for school thank god they make it home.

On the more conscious hand, we cannot only hold America accountable for such actions against children. Africa and the middle east are known for sending or forcing children to be war soldiers. Stripping a child of their childhood to become a monster over political issues they cannot fully comprehend. They are installing anger and violence into them starting at the age of 7! Asia tends to pressure children of live values, upholding the family and the future the moment they can talk. In that situation, I do not want to step on any culture's toes but I do want to speak up for these children. Asian / Asian American children have high depression rates due to family values being held up so high above their heads. Any child going through anything because of an adult's actions need help and should be helped.

Children should be treated like children. They are the future of this world and our only job is to prepare and protect them.

You can agree or disagree but let us have an open respectable debate about this. PLEASE COMMENT BELOW OR SHARE TO A MORE PUBLIC PLATFORM AND DEBATE THERE!

Things won't change in this world unless people speak upon them.

Uncomfortable or Not

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1 Comment

May 24, 2021

Yess girl perfectly said 👏🏾👏🏾✊🏽


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